Servus and welcome to my homepage. 

I am Atlantika van Doom and live in the beautiful Bavarian Forest. This has always been my home and I would not like to live anywhere else. 

There has always been another special personality, that was destined for greater things, 

 hiding in myself; until I've finally released HER. 

A name for my alter ego was quickly found. Doom means, loosely translated, the downfall, which reminded me of the sunken city of Atlantis -  therefore Atlantika. In that way, Atlantika van Doom and the Doom Entertainment were born! 

I hope that I can be a role model for many LQBTQ+ people living in the rural areas. I want to encourage them to live their dream and that they do not have to hide. 

Atlantika van Doom 💋💋

Two personalities but ONE big heart! 

Down to earth, very fond of animals, close to nature, helpful, always an open ear for everyone and a family man.

 Glittery, flashy, extravagant, colorful, always in a good mood, very funny and she wears her heart on her sleeve! 💋💋 

The balancing act between working with the animals and my passion as a drag queen is not always easy, especially switching between a private zoo and glitter with tulle.
But it works out!

You can add me on my private instagram too, if you want!